Friday, July 19, 2019

Little Abaco Bonefish Lodge Trip Report July 2-9, 2019

Right now, it's very hot in the Bahamas. Thunderheads often pepper the skyline, a breeze is a blessing and if it gets too hot, the bonefish school up often mudding in 5-10 feet of water. In addition, most guides are gearing up for the lobster season which begins in August.

As a result, we don't get too many anglers visiting the Bahamas in the heart of the summer so we are always eager to hear the reports of those that do. In early July (July 2-7, 2019), Bob Wilczynski visited Little Abaco Bonefish Lodge. Many thanks to Bob for filing this report:

I’ve meant to email you earlier, to let you know how good Sidney & Keeta’s place is, on LITTLE ABACO ... the weather was not the best, and the fish were starting to gather up in massive schools and sometimes in vast muds in deeper water ... however, when the conditions were good, and / or when we encountered a school on the flats, the fishing was incredible ... other times, it was really really slow, with long stretches between finding schools ... over-all however, there was plenty of action, the fish tended towards bigger side, and acted unpressured ... the flats and creeks are beautiful and untouched, and huge ... and all are a quick run or trailer haul from the lodge ... I didn’t land anything over 6lbs, but I hooked a few +8lb fish that broke me off in mangroves, and put a fly in front of a few true monsters ... also had 1 shot each, at a nice permit and a small tarpon ... plus a few snappers

Sydney is a heck of a guide – very focused ... I picked up a few pointers, that he as happy to share ... like PEDRO @ BRL, he is a pro - definitely hardcore but not at the expense of a good laugh - we started chatting about politics and such, and I somehow managed to run out of skiff and fell into the water – it felt great, btw ... over-all it was a really intense few days of fishing - you get the feeling that if you put in the time with Sidney, he will put you in front of the fish of a lifetime ... we did some wade fishing on the last day, which was a great end to the week ...

The lodge is still being built and furnished, but is comfortable, immaculately clean and very quiet ... all creature comforts are well thought out ... Keeta is a good cook, and the kitchen / efficiency area was well stocked and maintained ... if I had small ( 5 or 6 ) group of hardcore bonefisherman wanting a lodge to ourselves for a week, THIS would be the place ... it’s a 1 ½ - 2 hour drive from Marsh Harbor to Crown Haven, which makes for a LONG travel day coming & going ... so, for me, a 4 day fishing trip is pretty much the shortest I’d consider ... in fact, I overnighted in Nassau ( BAHAMAR ) before flying home ... this worked out ok – I left the casino with more cash than I came with

I definitely want to return to LAL ...

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