Monday, May 20, 2019

Alice and Jimmy's Excellent Adventure... to Abaco Island

I recently received a trip report from Alice Sudduth and Jimmy Ellis. This duo just returned from the Little Abaco Bonefish House on Abaco Island in the Bahamas. You might remember Jimmy and Alice from a trip we did together last fall to North Andros. These two are very enthusiastic anglers, a lot of fun to be with and make friends wherever they go. As such, I trust their opinion on fishing venues! Thanks Alice and Jimmy!

We had a great trip to Abaco - Sidney is a great guide and worked really hard in some pretty challenging conditions (we are convinced the wind never stops in the Bahamas!).  We were comfortable and well-fed the whole time, and it seems like Sidney has some big plans for expanding/improving.  It will be a few years, I think, but will be very nice when it's done.

Alice Sudduth with a great 'cuda!
Jimmy gets one too!

Looking forward to more great trips! I'm sending pictures separately - Jim and I both got a barracuda.  Nice bonus. Sidney always kept the spin rod with a 'cuda plug in the boat. He said most people aren't interested in using it, but we were thrilled.  

Nice Alice!


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