Thursday, April 13, 2017

It's Spring... time to go fishing in Wyoming

With the snowpack in the Wind River Range approaching 200%, the Bureau of Reclamation decided to up the release of water out of Boysen Reservoir the day we arrived. As a result, our flows last week on the Bighorn went from 3500 to 5500 cfs in three days. That along with 20-25 mph winds and turbid 42 degree waters meant SLOW fishing. Guide Chad Olsen, myself and Scott Sawtelle caught 6-10 fish a day collectively, but it was still tough when you are used to the numbers we normally tally when we get together. 

Even this giant sucker Hoovered off the bottom of a deep run didn't make up for a very slow day!

That night, we made plans to evacuate to some private water nearby. Here, we experienced great spring fishing in gin clear water. I love Wyoming just before runoff and these next few days did not disappoint. The Baetis were coming off sporadically in the afternoon making small dries and emergers very productive. The rest of the time bead-head nymphs and streamers were sure bets.

All in all, it turned out to be a great trip. Just what we were looking for in Wyoming in the early spring!

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