Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ned and Riley Blocker with a Trip Report from Water Cay Lodge

Edward Blocker and his son Riley just returned from Water Cay Lodge. I thank Ned for sending me his report and a few photos. Looks like they had a great time! Nothing better than taking your son or daughter fishing!

Riley and Sid both look stoked!


Riley and I had a great trip! Exactly what I was looking for. Rustic, but comfortable and good fishing.

Sidney was a great guide to us - very patient and a great instructor. There sure is a lot that has to happen in sequence to end up with a fish by the boat. We both made a lot of mistakes but mostly learned from them and came away better fishermen.

Riley caught his first bonefish on the first day, which was also his first fish on a fly.  Every fish he caught felt like a catch to me.

My plan is for us to do more of these trips together.  I'll find out his upcoming college schedule and get with you on the next trip.

Your flies worked great!
I had 2 other boxes but never used them.

Thanks again,


Nice bone

Dad got in the act too!

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