Monday, May 2, 2016


If you are headed south for juvenile tarpon, here is some good news!
We are now ready to take orders for our baby tarpon flies. If you don't tie or don't have time to tie and your headed to the tropics, you should purchase these patterns to have in your quiver. We are following recipes based on my experience and that of many other well-traveled and expert anglers. Fly tier extraordinnaire (and my friend of over 25 years), Brett Smith, is now producing these baby tarpon flies on a custom order limited basis. 

In these patterns, we've covered the issues important to juvenile tarpon success i.e. sink rate, action, size and color. We finished our testing two weeks ago at Tarpon Cay and Isla del Sabalo on the Yucatan's "Tarpon Coast" with terrific results. More anglers armed with these patterns are now making their way to the Yucatan and Belize so expect more feedback soon. We also have a group headed to Cuba led by Pete Widener owner of the Fly Shop of the Bighorns. Pete will also be giving us a report later in May upon his return.

I should note, I have no financial stake in this project. My goal is to make sure Angling Destinations clients and other traveling baby tarpon maniacs have the right flies for their trips. We produced these flies because, I felt most commercially available flies were improperly sized or in some cases, poorly tied. This was the genesis of this project and I enlisted a truly gifted fly tier to help me accomplish my goal. Our flies are tied on quality Gamagatsu hooks and typically ordered in 1/0 and 2/0.

If interested, please call 800-211-8530 or send an e-mail to I am happy to help anglers decide which flies are best for the location they are fishing.

Here then are the flies available. I think they turned out great!

Traditional San Felipe Special
A tried and true design that continues to deliver year after year. With the addition of a few tweeks and better materials to the original design, our new rendition performs consistently.

Orange and Tan

Chocolate and Tan

Green Eyed Lady
A very effective, sparsely tied sardinas pattern that hits the water quietly and moves very naturally in the water. One of my favorite patterns!

Red Eye Special
Again, one of my favorite patterns. Based on our research, the final version has less chocolate and more tan with red eyes.

Original pattern that worked well 

Red Eye.2 that worked even better!

Designed as a neutral density version the San Felipe Special this fly has upped the game with more durable and seductive materials. This pattern includes strike triggering eyes that can be modified as to color based on an anglers willingness to experiment. At the present time, it comes in two color combinations:

Orange and Tan


Kid's Meal
Superb for all the environments where sabalitos are found: rios, mangrove edges and deeper turtle grass flats. This fly floats allowing anglers to cast well ahead of rolling fish, then strip when appropriate. It also creates just enough of a wake to subtly get attention. This fly is a real winner and very durable. It will soon be available in a yellow and red version too.

After repeated use!



The traditional design again with a few improvements concerning materials and quality.

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