Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Brett Yantis Trip with Son to Costa de Cocos

As many of the readers of this blog are no doubt aware, I'm a big proponent of father/son fly fishing trips (or father/daughter fishing trips or really any trips that gets kids out fishing with their families.)
I speak with experience: It's good for the parents, good for the kids and good for the future of our sport. It's also a great way to make sure the next generation will love the out-of-doors enough to want to protect it!

Right after Christmas this year, Brett Yantis and his son Will ventured to the southern Yucatan for a bit of a fishing adventure out of Costa de Cocos. Upon their return, Brett forwarded some photos and a brief report on their trip. I know it's a busy time of the year so an extra special thanks to Brett for taking the time to send me the following report:

We loved the place [Costa de Cocos]. Super chill and not many people. Unfortunately the wind was freaking ridiculous. According to Sailflow, it blew 25-40 all day and night until the day we left. I've fished the salt a lot but never encountered those conditions. We did catch bones every day, but the fishable flats could be counted on one had.  My son caught his first bone on fly.

We had a blast running and gunning schools of 10 pounds jacks in the bay. [Will] caught 6 jacks on fly. Broke two hooks on those 10 lb jacks.

The lodge was sweet and the staff great. Food was good. Guides were good, professional.  They run a tight program down there. We will return.

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