Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hot Day/Hot Fishing: FISH #5

FISH #5 was not exceptional for what he did or did not do. He was not unusually cunning, nor was he was a pushover. He did not offer a unique experience or a crazy moment. What he did offer was what I have experienced a hundred times before and what I hope to experience many more times in the future. This fish offered that moment that defines why we trout fish…

I spotted this trout at the tailout of a riffle. All I could see was a subtle form in two feet of water shaded by a high bank. Here, the water was moving quickly, but no current could be seen. No waves, riffles or boils disturbed the mirror-like surface of this tailout. All I saw was something forming, disappearing, then reforming again against the almost black bottom.

After quietly wading into position, I threw my hopper ten feet above the spot where I saw the ephemeral form. I watched judging the big fly's drift coaxing it into the proper lane. As the hopper approached, a large form rose and elegantly took shape. As it climbed slowly and confidently towards the surface, I could see the form was a big brown trout. He closed on my fly nonchalantly having accurately gaged its drift and his speed. I watched, now only a passenger on this ride. I took in every agonizingly slow moment of his journey. As his nose broke the surface, his mouth opened and showed white. He then effortlessly sucked in my hopper. This moment was so perfect, I wanted to bottle it and take a slug next February. If I could have a taste of this moment then, I might contend with another Wyoming winter just a little bit better.

After his mouth shut firm on my hopper, his head dropped casually below the slick's surface. It was then that I struck. A split second later, my line came deliciously tight. This was the important moment, the rest seemed anticlimactic.

Yes, he fought well and yes, it was very cool. But what was lasting was how perfect was his take. Soon, I took photos, measured him at 22 inches and thanked my lucky stars for the last three hours. This is why I trout fish and why I live in Wyoming. When you live here, it's all out the back door, yet it is all so fleeting… that makes it even more perfect.

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