Monday, April 7, 2014

Kamchatka Availability

If you have ever wanted to fish Kamchatka, but have found the best rivers to be booked up, here are a couple of THE best rivers and their availability for this summer.
Nine spots on the OZ and twelve spots on the Two Yurts are available… you snooze you lose!


Ozernaya River The "OZ" 

The Ozernaya has been called one of the greatest trout streams of all time. The Oz is a large spring creek with an unbelievable numbers of large Rainbows averaging over 20 inches. Easy to wade and gin clear, much of the fishing is visual. The Ozernaya has every single ingredient for large rainbows: bugs, salmon, and a large sculpin population. The Oz is also blessed with fabulous runs of Silver Salmon. These chrome bright battlers, available from early August until the end of the season, are sure to test your will.

July 12-19:  3 spaces
July 19-26: 4 spaces

August 30-September 6th: 2 spaces
8 maximum
Ozernaya River price $7,895 from Petro

The Two Yurt River 

The Two Yurt River is set in perhaps the most beautiful valley on the Peninsula. Flowing east, the Two Yurt River drains the lake by the same name. Similar in size to Brooks Lake in Alaska, one clear distinction exists - no other people can be seen. With a huge run of Sockeye and King Salmon, Rainbows gorge on eggs and flesh growing to large proportions. Two Yurt combines many streams and offers every imaginable type of water, from freestone pocket water to long spring creek glides. By late June the mighty King Salmon enter the river pulling rainbow upstream from both the Yelovka and Kamchatka river drainages. From early July to early October, the 50 miles of river below the lake become thick with rainbows.

July 26-August 2:  4 spaces
August 9-16:   4 spaces
August 30-September 6:   2 spaces

6 maximum
Two Yurt River $6,895 From Petro

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