Monday, February 17, 2014

Agua Boa Trip Report and Some Cool Photos

To all trip members from our just concluded Agua Boa Trip, here is Charlie Conn's trip report ...and the photos of the tapir that Steve and Cindy Peskoe saw ...and some photos from Tim Lee.

Let's start with Charlie's report from the Agua Boa Lodge website:

There are a lot of details that make things work so well here at the Agua Boa Amazon Lodge. We have a wonderful facility, pool, great guides, Francisco the Chef and of course great fishing. However we are also lucky to have a quiver great booking agents that send our guests down here to fish with us.

Scott with a nice peacock!

Last week we had Scott Heywood of Angling Destinations here at the lodge with a group of anglers. Now that is not unusual because Scott brings a group every year, and has been operating for over twenty-five years. The unusual part was that Scott, for the first time, brought his wife on one of his fly fishing adventures. Sara Heywood is relatively new to fly fishing and was paired up with her husband to fish at the start of the week. Everyone can guess how that went…….yes they were civil, but even with an experienced instructor like Scott, the tension is always high when the husband is the teacher….Duh.

Cindy and...

Sara at work and...
...and Cindy at rest!

Sara hung in there, her casting was getting better, she was catching fish and they seemed to be getting a long pretty well. But to say the least, Scott and Sara’s Caiparinhas did not last long at the end of the fishing day. However, Scott and Sara were not the only couple in camp. So, the savvy group leader that he is, Scott suggested that the guys fish together and the ladies fish together. So Sara Heywood and Cindy Peskoe headed out for a day of fishing.

Anna Riggs and Sara Heywood obviously enjoyed their day together!!

One of the great pleasures of our job here at the Agua Boa Amazon Lodge is greeting the anglers at the dock at the end of the day. Day in and day out the smiles always outweigh the frowns and we hear more stories of fishing success than that of failure. However on a rare occasion we get to see people that have had a life changing experience. When we greeted Cindy and Sara at the end of their day we witnessed the excitement of a kid on Christmas, they were high on their day’s experience. In fact, to tell you the truth, we are not sure what actually happened out there, they were both talking so fast and at the same time it was hard to get the facts straight. However the legend of their experience that day is now referred to as, Girls Gone Wild….Agua Boa Style. Way to go Cindy and Sara!!!!!!!

Over the course of the week we have received a fair amount of rain, but the waters levels remain low. It seems that we are still using the same array of fly patterns that work well week in and week out. The Sea Habit has been particularly successful bait fish pattern and the ever reliable flashtail whistler, in red & white, chartreuse & white and yellow & orange, are a good staple pattern to have in your box.

Thanks for checking the Agua Boa Amazon Lodge Fishing Report, and we look forward to seeing you here at the lodge.

Fish On!
Carlos and Charlie

And now the photos of the tapir that Steve and Cindy Peskoe saw:

and some of Tim Lee's catches. Not bad for a first-time visitor!:

BIG temensis peacock!

...and a BIG arowana!

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