Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gary Dyer's Permit at Water Cay Lodge

Here’s a cool story from Water Cay Lodge on Grand Bahama Island:

Gary Dyer is an old hand at Water Cay. Gary and I study the tides charts at the conclusion of each year's trip and make plans for the following year. Gary is an excellent angler who makes the most of each year's trip. On his FIRST day of this year's trip, Gary was fishing with head guide Sidney Thomas, when they saw three BIG permit headed towards them. Gary cast a “generic” mantis shrimp pattern at the permit. To his surprise, one tipped and ate his bonefish fly without any hesitation. The fish tore off and Gary held on. Unfortunately, after that initial long run his line suddenly went slack. Gary reeled in his slack line. Sid and Gary were sick-hearted... even more so when they saw the hook on the mantis pattern had broken. Gary cursed the hook manufacturer knowing he had just blown an incredible opportunity by using a sub-par hook. He was sure this opportunity would not likely come again. Sid and Gary muttered repeatedly about the incident and couldn’t over their disappointment. 

A bit later, Sid and Gary decided to wade a flat. Soon the boat was well behind them. The action was slow. They were not seeing many bones and the undercurrent of the lost permit was weighing on their minds. It looked like their luck had disappeared along with the permit. Then, all of a sudden, three even BIGGER permit were headed towards them. Gary had a #4 gold gotcha on and he tossed it at the lead fish. Again, the lead permit ate the fly.  No problem!

Sid and Gary with their catch!
This was a really big permit and as Gary watched his line melt off his spool, Sid raced for the boat. Gary hoped he could slow the fish enough to not get spooled while Sid raced to get the boat. They were going to need it if they had any shot of landing this fish. Soon, Sid was back with the boat and the big permit was still on. They jumped in the skiff and begin to follow the fish hoping they could keep this second permit buttoned-up! The fight went on and on. Two hours later, they managed to land the fish. Estimated at 30 lbs. and caught on an 8 wt. rod with a #4 bonefish fly. 
Amazing and congrats Gary!

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