Monday, March 11, 2013

Bonefish Puffs

While wading a bonefish flat, you've certainly noticed the cloud of muddy marl or fine sand you've kicked-up. But maybe you haven't noticed that the muck flows with the tide. It can flow to your right or left, blossom in front of you or quickly disappear behind you. Backtrack and you can see the debris has settled to the bottom revealing the stage of the tide you were on when you passed earlier. The debris flows towards deeper water on a falling tide and towards the mangroves on a rising tide.

Flushed debris can also reveal when bonefish feed on a flat. Bonefish make circular holes or "puffs" by blowing water into the sand to excavate prey species. The resulting debris drifts, then settles to one side or the other of the puff depending on the stage of the tide. This information can be used by an observant bonefisherman to make sure you are "at the right place at the right time" in the future.


  1. Great tip! I don't think it'll replace following the trail of Jolly Rancher candies tho.

  2. You are the man... no Alzheimers in you yet Doug!

  3. In the words of Doc Holliday: "I'm your huckleberry"

  4. love that scene... great movie! "Hell's coming and I'm coming with it!"

  5. To take this up just a notch, one fine May day just outside of Sugar loaf Key, myself and a Capt friend were on a small white sandy spot waiting for cruising Tarpon to pass over, when a large group of Bonefish descended upon us. Once they entered the flat, the entire group started moving in a very fast circular motion similar to a dust devil, hoovering all that was displaced, crabs, shrimp, etc... Unfortunately, I had my #12 Tarpon rod and a large #02 black death tied to the end of my line. In all the chaos, with the ever moving dust devil of Bonefish, I tried to cast the heavy rod too fast, and hit the tip of the 9fter with the black death, breaking the rod tip right off. Here I was left to watch tornado of fish dismantle and move in a group off the white sandy flat.

  6. Wow! You not only experienced a great moment, but you are an honest guy. This is a cool story although at the time, you must have been a bit pissed off! Thanks for taking the time to relate this cool moment! Best, Scott
